
Protecting human resources through good mental health practices
Those who succeed in business realize that their human resources, their people, are their most precious asset.
The importance of effective industrial relations in the workplace
In this month that we celebrate International Women’s Day and (here in South Africa) our Human Rights Day.
Building strong relationships with employee representation
We are currently in the month of love and romance and for many people, this is not just about romantic liaisons and being in love...
Mediation is always a better way to reconciliation!
Employers often face workplace tensions and sometimes conflict either amongst employees or between employees and themselves.
The role of collective bargaining to avoid strike action in South Africa – part 2
It is not only in South Africa that mass strike action takes place. We have recently heard on the news that due to the sudden massive inflation taking place in the UK.
Prevention is better - in life and in labour relations!
This is Breast Cancer Awareness month and, as female Entrepreneurs, we can identify with the many issues that women face – this being one of the most significant.
Effective conflict mediation facilitators always maintain a diverse perspective
This month we celebrate our National Heritage day, or as it has colloquially become known, our National Braai Day!
The benefits of collective bargaining in conflict resolution
Employers, particularly those working with workforces large enough to be represented by unions, soon enough learn about collective bargaining.
Dealing with unfair labour practices and dismissals
As business owners, we are all too familiar that dealing with our workforce to ensure their rights as employees are protected is essential.
Why workplace conflict should be professionally ‘nipped in the bud!’
This article emphasises that workplace conflict should be professionally ‘nipped in the bud,’ a few reasons why!
A good Business Coach helps you to realise your business plans
In our article published last month, we looked into the importance of having a business plan to ensure your business gets off on the right foot...
What every employer should know about tax management
It is tax season once again, a time that strikes terror into the hearts of some business owners.
Set smart business goals for 2022
In the last couple of years, we have endured some extraordinarily challenging times in business.
What type of entity best suits your new business?
One of the specialities of our business is to assist new businesses (or ‘start ups’ as they are commonly known) to make astute decisions that will set them on the right course from day one.
NOW is the best time to start your business journey!
Particularly since the onset of COVID-19, a catastrophic event that cost many people their jobs, many Entrepreneurs...