Understanding Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

19.10.23 08:18 AM By platinumbusinesswithpathfind

Effective Business Mediator

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Unfortunately, many business owners don’t realise when starting a business that as its workforce grows it can often result in conflicts of various kinds which need to be handled in a way that will result in the best outcome for both employees and employer.

We have recently completed a series on mediation when dealing with workplace issues and in this series on Conflict Resolution, we hope employers can gain a deeper understanding of it. We also spoke about the difference between mediation and arbitration, but Conflict Resolution is more than just a single technique for understanding those differences and more than just navigating difficult conversations.

This article will encompass understanding what it is, why conflict arises, explore the most effective ways to resolve conflicts in the workplace and define some of the great benefits to the employer. Let’s begin with understanding conflict resolution in the workplace.

What is Conflict resolution?

One definition of conflict resolution is ‘’The process of ending a dispute and reaching an agreement that satisfies all parties involved.’’ We need to remember that seeing as conflict is just part of being human, effective conflict resolution is not designed to avoid disagreement but to use skills that facilitate discussions, increase understanding and control emotional responses.

Why is it important?

Understanding how to deal with interpersonal conflicts, help the parties to reach an understanding and ultimately reconcile emotions and differences is a valuable skill that boosts well-being and productivity (very important from the employer’s point of view) and all of these techniques are learned through conflict resolution. 

As always, we advise that as a business owner, you employ the skills of good Labour and Industrial Relations experts but it may help for you to know at least the basics of what good conflict resolution involves.                               

What are the causes of conflict?

It is important to understand the root causes of conflict in the workplace if one is to successfully resolve it. These are not all. But a few of the more significant ones…


Oddly enough, one party simply avoiding conflict can eventually blow up into something far more significant. Experts can see when this type of dissatisfaction between parties is brewing. 

Escalation of the conflict

The above can lead to conflicts sometimes escalating beyond whatever the initial dispute may have been. This can happen if certain parties have felt poorly treated for some time and now start to introduce other factors into the argument.

Superiority disputes 

One of the most common causes of conflict amongst staff is differences of opinion on who should be playing the leading role in every situation. Even when there is clarity on this, a leader who looks down on and constantly belittles a subordinate can cause unrest among those below him or her.


Whether it is in the appointment of positions, promotions or even pats on the back, whenever some feel that something is not fair it can lead to conflict. This is avoided by offering equal opportunities to all and good leadership that makes the whole team feel valued.

The blame game 

Sometimes when an employee has not been able to deliver to the satisfaction of the employer they will lay the blame on other parties, leading to a fairly rapid conflict scenario. Blame is a dangerous thing in the workplace and employees need to be encouraged to take ownership of their actions.

Cultural and emotional triggers

Unfortunately, many workforces may be a melting pot of cultures, religions, skill sets and levels of society. Slandering or emotional biases towards any members of the workforce can often lead to conflict and this is one of the most difficult to solve as the emotions are deeply rooted.

A platinum solution to resolving workplace conflict

 At Platinum Business Solutions we offer Labour and Industrial relations expertise as an essential part of ensuring the well-being and growth of all the businesses we assist. Peace and productivity in the workplace are key to every business’s success.                                

As experts in conducting every area of conflict from small mediations to conflict resolution, to Arbitration and Legal Labour and Industrial disputes with employees and their unions, we cover all the bases and maintain a conflict-free work environment.

Watch this space for much more on Conflict Resolution, how it is carried out and the great benefits of it for business owners. In the interim, contact us for a no-obligation consultation to ascertain your specific business requirements. We look forward to it.